Hverir Geothermal Area

Hverir Geothermal Area

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to walk on Mars? Hverir Geothermal Area feels like you have landed there… Of course, nobody knows what it feels like to walk on Mars but these small sulfur fields near Lake Myvatn are what I imagine it would feel like. 

If you too, want to feel like you have landed on Mars, you should keep reading! In this blog post, you will find everything there is to know about Hverir, including a small hike to the top of Namafjall mountain. From there you will enjoy breathtaking views of these fields. 

Hverir Geothermal Area

Hverir is a geothermal area in the North of Iceland, not far from Lake Myvatn. It is located on the foothill of Namafjall mountain and Namaskard pass. 

This area is full of:

  • Fumaroles
  • Boiling mud pools
  • Steam vents
  • Sulphurous crystals that contrast with the orange and red land.
Things to do in Lake Myvatn area

The sulphur in the area makes it smell like rotten eggs! But the discomfort only lasts a few minutes. Afterwards, you will get used to it and not even notice it!

Getting to Hverir

Hverir is located 6km east of Lake Myvatn, next to the Route 1 (Ring Road) in the North of Iceland.

The best way to reach it is by renting a car and driving there yourself. If driving is not your thing, you can always join a guided tour.

On the map on the right, you can find the exact location of Hverir parking and some accommodations if you want to spend the night in the area. 

Driving times will vary depending on where you are coming from.

  • From Akureyri, it is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.
  • From Reykjahlid, the main village near Myvatn, it is only 10 minutes.
Good to know: You will have to pay 750 ISK to park at Hverir. To do so, you will have to scan a QR code that will guide you to the paying site.

The day we visited Hverir, the QR code did not work and everyone else was facing the same issue. We parked there without paying and never got any fine. However, please pay your parking fee if you do visit this beautiful site. 

Accommodation near Hverir

There are many things to see and visit around Lake Myvatn. To be able to enjoy this beautiful region in the North of Iceland, I recommend spending a minimum of one night here. Here are some hotel and guesthouse recommendations. 

We stayed 2 nights at the Skútustadir Guesthouse and we had a fantastic time there. It is a family-owned guesthouse and they were super helpful and friendly. 

Visiting Hverir Geothermal Area & Námafjall Mountain

Hike Summary

  • Trail Start/End: Hverir (see map above)
  • Distance: 2,7 km. 
  • Elevation gain: 122 m
  • Route Type: Circular
  • Time: 2h (including plenty of stops for photos)
To visit the Hverir Geothermal Area and hike up to Námafjall mountain, I followed the indications of the Namafjall via Hverir – Namaskard hike in the app AllTrails. 

Visiting Hverir

Hverir is located only a few meters away from the parking lot. As soon as we got out of the car, the smell of rotten eggs from the sulphur hit us. At first, it was quite disgusting but very soon we got distracted by the beauty of the place and forgot about it. Everywhere we looked we saw boiling mud potholes and fuming fumaroles. We were amazed by the contrast of the grey and blueish from the sulphur with the orange land and couldn’t stop taking photos. 

Hverir Geothermal Area

Walking around Hverir was easy. I had downloaded the hike on my phone but the best way is to just wander around and stop wherever you want. It is impossible to get lost. 

Important: Please make sure to stay within the marked paths as this is done for your own safety!

Hiking up to Námafjall mountain

Once we were done with the area, we decided to complete the hike and go up to Námafjall mountain. We followed the suggested path on the app and took the trail that is to the left of Hverir site.

Right at the beginning, we saw a sign that warned us that this trail could be dangerous and slippery in wet conditions and it was completely true! The trail is very steep and narrow with nothing to protect you. At some points, I even had to put my hands on the ground to be able to keep going! I thought about turning around many times!

Hverir Geothermal Area

Amazed by the views on top

Nevertheless, this adventure was worth it! The view from the top of the Námafjall was so impressive. I could hardly believe what I had in front of me.

At the top, there is a complete view of the Hverir area and Lake Myvatn. To top it off, there are some more sulphur and mud pots up there too. And we were completely alone! This was definitely one of the highlights of our road trip in Iceland.

Things to do in Lake Myvatn Area

Descending via the Námaskard pass

The descent is done via the Námaskard pass next to the Ring Road and finishes at the right-hand side of the Hverir site. Being next to the road, it makes the descent less special but it was easier than the going up part. 

RECOMMENDATION: Going up to Namafjall mountain is really worth it. However, if you are in bad fitness shape, scared of heights or it has been raining, I recommend going up and down the mountain via the Namaskard pass. It is not necessary to take the risk of going up the left-hand side.

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Hverir Geothermal Area
Hverir Geothermal Area