Best Things to do in Lake Bohinj


Hello! Welcome to the enchanting shores of Lake Bohinj, a lesser-known lake in the heart of Slovenian’s breathtaking Julian Alps. If you’re seeking an idyllic escape surrounded by nature’s finest, you’ve stumbled upon the right place! In this blog, we’ll uncover the 8 best things to do in Bohinj, so that you can make the most of your visit to this alpine paradise. From serene moments by the lakeside to heart-pounding adventures in the rugged terrain, Lake Bohinj promises an array of activities that cater to all travelers. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or simply looking for a peaceful retreat, Bohinj has something special in store for you.



Lake Bohinj, located in Triglav National Park, is located in a glacially formed basin and holds almost 100 million cubic meters of water. This water is usually around 24 ºC in the summer and often freezes in the winter. Here are some interesting facts about this beautiful lake in Slovenia.

  • At the end of the last glaciation, Lake Bohinj was about 18 m higher (extending to the nearby town of Stara Fuzina).
  • The lake is quite deep, reaching in some areas more than 40 m in depth.
  • A bit south of the church of Holy Spirit, you can find one of the few quartz porphyry deposits in the Julian Alps.
  • The second shortest river in Slovenia flows out of Lake Bohinj into Mostnica River.
Things to do in Bohinj


Lake Bohinj is located in the Julian Alps, in the northwestern part of Slovenia, and a little bit further than Lake Bled. The lake is approximately 82 km away from Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia and it is also a popular destination in Slovenia, especially during the summer months.

Getting to Lake Bohinj by Car

The easiest way to reach Bohinj is by renting a car and driving there yourself. I always rent my cars with Rentalcars since they offer you a comparator with the best prices from different rental car companies. 

Once you’ve rented your car, you just need to take the A2 highway from Ljubljana towards Lake Bled. Once you’ve reached Bled, you need to keep driving for approximately 25 minutes more and you’ll reach Bohinj. 

At Lake Bohinj, there are many parkings where you can park your car. I have located all of them on the map at the end of this blog. However, all of them are paying, so be prepared to have some coins with you or install the app so that can pay with your phone. 

Tip: Make sure to get there early, especially during the summer months, to make sure you find a parking spot.

Getting to Lake Bohinj with a tour

Alternatively, if you don’t feel like driving, you can also join a guided tour to get to Lake Bohinj. There are many tours that will combine a visit to both Lake Bled and Bohinj from Ljubljana.  


Yes, the most important question when planning a trip. How much time do you need to spend at Bohinj? Well, the answer is usually it depends on what you want to do and how much time you have. 

If you just want to visit the lake, get a feeling of it, and do a couple of activities here, I would say a day is enough.

However, if you want to do all the activities that I will list in this blog and not have to run from one place to the other, then you will need 3 days.


1. Admire the lake and its scenery

The first thing you should do at Lake Bohinj is admire the beauty of this place. The peaceful atmosphere of the lake with the Julian Alps in the back will invite you to slow down and relax. 

Go for a short leisure walk along its shore, and discover the statue of Zlatorog, a Slovenian god in the shape of a chamois with golden horns who lived in Triglav National Park. 

A bit further down the lake, you will find the church of the Holy Spirit, another iconic view of Lake Bohinj.

Things to do in Bohinj: Church of the Holy Spirit
Things to do in Bohinj: Zlatorog

2. Hike around Lake Bohinj

Another must-do thing in Bohinj is to walk around the lake. There is a trail that goes along the complete perimeter of the lake and it is just breathtaking. The complete trail is approximately 12 km and depending on your pace and how often you stop, it will take you approximately 4 hours to complete. 

If you are low on time, you have to at least walk a bit of it. Trust me, you will not be disappointed. We only walked a short part of the trail and it was very nice to do. I wish we had planned a bit of extra time to do the whole trail. Along the shore, there are small beaches where you can just sit and relax, or even have a picnic.

Things to do in Bohinj

3. See the lake from the water

If you want to see Lake Bohinj from another perspective, then you need to see it from the water. There are several options depending on your likes.

  • Rent a rowing boat, a kayak, or a Stand-Up Paddle: On a summer day, this can be a very fun activity to do. Not only you will have a lot of fun, but you will also get a different perspective of the lake.  You can find the location of the rental place on the map at the end of this blog.
  • Take a panoramic boat tour: If you don’t want to have to row, but you still want to see the lake from the water, then you can also take a panoramic boat tour.

4. Go paraglading

Yes, you have read this right! Can you imagine a more idyllic place to go paragliding? The lake, the mountains, the valley…  If you’re not a scaredy cat like me, there’s no better place to try paragliding. 

The day we visited the lake, there were many paragliders and they really seemed to be having a fantastic time. 

Things to do in Bohinj

5. Take the Vogel Cable Car and Admire the Lake from Above

The Vogel Cable Car is the perfect alternative for those of us who are too scared to try paragliding but we still want to see the lake from above. In less than 10 minutes you will gain 1500 m in altitude and you will get to enjoy spectacular views of the Julian Alps and Lake Bohinj. This was one of my favorite activities in the area!

Make sure to check the official Vogel Ski Center website to get accurate information about operating hours and ticket prices.

Tip: The weather in the mountains can change quite fast so it is always good to be prepared for all kinds of weather. While we were up at Vogel, we got caught up by a sudden storm that even closed the cable car for approximately an hour. 

Hiking Mount Vogel

6. Hike to Vogel Mountain

At the top of the Vogel Cable Car, on top of getting amazing views, you can also go on a hike to the summit of Sija and Vogel Mountain. This hike is approximately 11 km and is a must-do hike if you’re a nature enthusiast like me. 

The hike is a bit demanding but the views you get along the way are so rewarding! Along this hike, you will walk along meadows with cows peacefully eating, hike up some mountains, and even do a little bit of scrambling to reach the Vogel summit. It is the perfect activity to do on a clear day. Just bring along some snacks, sandwiches and plenty of water and you will have a fantastic time!

7. Visit Mostnica Gorge

Mostnica Gorge is still a relatively “hidden gem” in the Bohinj area. Many people skip this gorge in favor of the super famous Vintgar Gorge. I visited both of them during my trip to Slovenia and even though Vintgar Gorge was very beautiful, I actually prefer Mostnica Gorge. It was less crowded and here, it was possible to get close to the water. In addition, if you want to make a day activity out of it, it is possible to continue your hike after the gorge into the Voje Valley. 

I have written a full blog post about our experience visiting Mostnica Gorge, in Triglav National Park. 

8. Discover Savica Waterfall

Savica Waterfall is a unique waterfall in the world, with its water flow splitting into two streams giving it an A shape. It has a height of 78 m and it is fed with water from the Triglav Lakes Valley. 

To visit this waterfall, you will have to pay an entry ticket of 4 euros (during the summer months) and 3 euros (during the rest of the year). To reach it, there is a short trail of approximately 3km round-trip. Just be prepared to go up a lot of steps!

Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to visit this waterfall but it definitely looks fantastic!

Photo of Marcin Szmigiel in Unsplash


And that’s it for my blog about the 8 best things to do in Bohinj. I hope you liked it and it encouraged you to visit this beautiful part of Slovenia. Let me know what you think in the comments! 

Happy travels!

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